MAGIC STICK TOKYO Renovated Store Grand Opening

MAGIC STICK フラッグシップストア「MAGIC STICK TOKYO」が12月21日にリニューアルオープン


MAGIC STICK フラッグシップストア『M.S.C.S.』が『MAGIC STICK TOKYO』と改名し、1221日(金)にリニューアルオープン致します。

リニューアルにあたり、MAGIC STICKLOOK BOOKやアーティストを起用したコレクション、パーティー映像といったアーカイブの中からMAGIC STICKが作り上げて来た貴重な瞬間を15秒に納めたMAGIC STICKティザームービーを公開。

このティザームービーはシブヤテレビジョンが手を組んだアートプロジェクトNEO SHIBUYA TV (@neoshibuyatv) にて12/1512/21までの期間中、渋谷9機の街頭ビジョンで放映されます。

→ ティザームービー


MAGIC STICKのフルラインナップコレクションを見れるのは勿論、代官山のヴィンテージセレクトショップHedyと提携しデザイナー本人がセレクトしたアクセサリーや、MAGIC STICKらしい音楽的バックボーンとして、少し懐かしい試聴スペースを設けた独自の仕入れによるバイナルレコード販売スペースも併設。



MAGIC STICK TOKYO Renovated Store Grand Opening

 We are very happy to inform you that MAGIC STICK TOKYO (ex MSCS) will reborn on Fri 21st Dec 2018.

This is a major step in the brand evolution, and we’re beyond excited to show off the space which is twice the size of before.

Carrying full line of MAGIC STICK, MS LAB series to be flagship store limited along with vintage accessories of Hermes, and Tiffany which selected by the designer in the partnership with vintage store “Hedy”.

One addition that will help the store become a new community spot is the coffee bar, which serve espresso with good sense of the music from the analog records booth on the bar counter will provide relax and refreshments.

To celebrate the opening, we will also provide a limited products at the first day of the opening,

moreover, NIKE AIR FORCE 1 VIP “VELOUR” which was sold out immediately in the POP UP and Online store, will be a small amount of RESTOCK.

Please visit our new store with your friends. I’m looking forward to seeing you.


3-62-11 Sendagaya, Shibuya, Tokyo 151-0051 Japan

Grand Opening Dec 21 Fri  12-8pm

Finally, attached teaser movie will be on air at 9 different of street screen in Shibuya during the period from 12/15 to 12/21 at the art project, NEO SHIBUYA TV (@neoshibuyatv ) by Shibuya Television.

Thank you for your support as always and look forward to a continue building a strong relationship with you.


Naotaka Konno / CEO & Brand director.


住所 : 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷3-62-11

TEL :  03-6434-5504

営業時間 : 12:0020:00

定休日 : 不定休